'Many things are gone, they ceased to exist long before vanishing into oblivion. Things like faces, names, words, and also a pair of scissors lost last summer, as well as a few books, the fate of which is still a mystery to this day. Unimpeded, impatience lapses into indifference, making it impossible to distinguish one from the other. According to dictionaries, "monumentality" is derived from the concentration of power apparatuses - such as military forces, wealth, intelligence services, universities, and industries - into one locus.'
'Many people have gone mad, without even realizing it, in an attempt to connect their image (in the mirror or photograph) with themselves. In the disruption between "oneself" and "self" in/on the image, the mind loses its habits of recognizing its own presence. Insomnia is capable of prolonging only a chain of comparisons.'
'We talk only because of a persistent desire to understand what is it that we are saying. As a result, we allow ourselves to speculate that, all in all, we have fallen, by change, into a distorted phrase - "here and now" - the "correctness" of which, when uttered repeatedly, despends on how we disappear into it.'
--Arkadii Dragomoschenko, from "Dust" 2008
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