Light returns again; as the cycle of days, the cycle of subjects. Stein's "Dr. Faustus Lights the Lights" impeding on my consciousness and too stubborn to go away. Read before seen, read as writing, not theater (not my medium). Now returned to, a production. The Wooster Group production; video monitors and recordings. Writing again, this time about the industrialization of light in the nineteenth century. White electric light pervading my sight. Rhyming. Refusing structure as Post-Modernist experimentation.
Attempting to return to the source (without knowledge thereof):
Ihr naht euch wieder, schwankende Gestalten,
Die früh sich einst dem trüben Buck gezeigt.
Versuch ich wolh, euch diesmal festzuhalten?
Fühl ich mein Herz noch jenem Wahn geneigt?
Ihr drängt euch zu! Nun gut so mögt ihr walten,
Wie ihr aus Dunst and Nebel um mien steight;
Mein Busen fühlt sich jugendlich erschüttert
Vom Zauberhauch, der euren Zug umwittert.
-Goethe, "Faust"
[Once again, you draw near, wavering shapes,/ from the past in which you first appeared to clouded eyes./ Shall I try this time to hold you fast?/ Do I feel my heart still inclined toward that illusion?/ You push yourselves forward! All right, have it your way./ As you climb out of vapours and fog, / My breast feels itself trembling in a youthful manner/ from the breath of magic that hovers round your train.]